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LAPTA Toolkit 

Download the 2024-25 LAPTA Toolkits as a PDF or Word file so that you can customize the forms. The toolkits contain everything PTA, such as the procedures, details, programs, sample forms, grants, contests, and other helpful information. The individual Toolkit sections are available to download below or scroll down to view individual sections and its index. Share the appropriate sections with all members of the Board of Directors. Individual forms and fillable PDFs can be found on the position-specific pages, especially for the Treasurer.

Please email Beth Maillho if anything needs further explanation, is missing, or is wrong or needs an edit. We love feedback and welcome all comments, big or small! 

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2024-25 LAPTA Toolkit

Download the 2024-25 LAPTA Toolkits as a PDF or Word file so that you can customize the forms. They contain everything PTA, such as the procedures, details, programs, sample forms, grants, contests, and other helpful information. The individual Toolkit sections are available to download below or scroll down to view individual sections.

LAPTA Toolkit: All Sections - Word File or PDF

Sec 1. LAPTA & National PTA PDF 

Sec 2. President PDF 

Sec 3. Treasurer Word File or PDF

Sec 4. Secretary PDF 

Sec 5. Board of Directors PDF 

Sec 6. Membership PDF 

Sec 7. Advocacy PDF 

Sec 8. Elections & Nominating Committee PDF 

Sec 9. Bylaws, Standing Rules, Articles of Incorporation PDF   

Sec 10. Awards, Grants, and Contests PDF 

Toolkit Sec 1. Louisiana PTA and National PTA

4   Louisiana PTA Office; Board of Directors

5   History of Louisiana PTA

6   Louisiana PTA Office

6   What does LAPTA Do?

6   Friends of LAPTA

7   Mission Partners of LAPTA

7   About National PTA

8   National PTA Standards for Family-School Partnerships

Toolkit Sec 2. President


10   Leadership Traits

11   Essential Knowledge

12   Getting Started

12   President’s Binder and Files

13   Building the Board of Directors (BOD)

14   Work with Your Feeder Schools and PTAs

14   Pick Your PTA Programs

14   Leadership Development & Training (Required)

15   Membership Dues

15   Finances

16   Fundraising Strategies

17 and

17   Meeting Types

18   Elements of Successful Meetings

18   Parliamentary Procedure

19   BOD Orientation Meeting

20   Agendas and the Minutes

21   Problem Solving

22   Icebreakers

22   Inclusion (DIO)

23   Promote Diversity 

23   Hold Inclusive Meetings

24   Partnering with Administrators and Teachers

25   President’s Checklist

27   Calendar for LAPTA

29   Active Affiliation Report and Retention Plan

30   Year-End Checklist and Transition Guidance

31   Sample Agenda

32   Sample Meeting Script

34   Sample Passwords & Accounts Summary

35   Confidentiality, Ethics, & Conflict of Interest Policy

Toolkit Sec 3. Treasurer


38   Introduction  

38   Treasurer’s Binder  

39   Responsibilities of the Treasurer  

39   Raising Money

40   Principles of PTA Financial Management 

41   Budget 

42   Financial Reports (3 Types)  

42   MoneyMinder and CheddarUp

43   Banking and E-Commerce Policy  

45   Insurance (Required)  

45   Articles of Incorporation  

45   Federal Taxes

47   State Sales Tax  

47   Gifts to Schools

47   Audit Committee and Its Report  

48   Record Keeping & Retention

49   School Officials and PTA Funds

50   Appropriate Use of PTA Funds

52   Active Affiliation and Retention Plan

53   Treasurer's Overview

53   Year-End Financial Checklist

54   Inventory Accountability Form
55   Sample Budgets and Comparison Reports

57   Deposit Form

58   Expense Form

59   Budget Approval Form

60   Bylaws and Amendments Approval Form

61   Audit Report Form, Instructions and Worksheet

64   Letter for NSF Check

65   General Donation Agreement

66   Monetary Donation to a School

68   Equipment Purchased by a PTA for Its Use 

Toolkit Sec 4. Secretary


69   Importance of Secretary    

69   Secretary’s Binder   

70   LAPTA Calendar    

72   Responsibilities of Secretary

72   Dividing Responsibilities

73   Historian

74   Minutes Overview

75   Content of Minutes

76   Motions

76   Elections

76   Records Retention

77   Communications and Social Media Policy

78   Sample Agenda

79   Sample Minutes

80   Motion Form

81   Roster Sign-In Sheet

82   Inventory Accountability Form

83   Confidentiality, Ethics, & Conflict of Interest Policy

85   Active Affiliation and Retention Plan

Toolkit Sec 5. Board of Directors


87   Importance of Boardsmanship  

88   Being a Board of Directors’ Member  

89   Leadership Traits

89   Getting Started

90   How Boards Succeed

90   Executive Committee  

91   BOD Committees

92   Email Protocol

92   Virtual Meetings

93   Procedure Binder

93   Leadership Development & Training

93   Finance for Board Members

94   Brief Checklist for BOD  

95   LAPTA Calendar

97   Communications and Social Media

98   Partnering with Administrators and Teachers

99   Confidentiality, Ethics, & Conflict of Interest Policy

101 Active Affiliation Report and Retention Plan

Toolkit Sec 6. Membership


103   Introduction

103   Procedure Binder   

104   Membership Chair Duties

104   Submit Membership Dues

105   Membership Campaign Theme

106   Create Your Own PTA Value Message

107   Collecting Dues Online with CheddarUp

107   Monthly Membership Challenges

107   Annual Membership Awards

108   Membership Calendar

110   Hashtag and Email Signature 

110   Sample Membership Ask Email

110   Customize the PTA Logo

111   Sample Membership Ask Flyer

112   Sample Membership Thank You

Toolkit Sec 7. Advocacy


114   Introduction to Advocacy

115   Gateway to Advocacy: Why Advocate?

116   Advocating on an Issue: Planning

116   Advocating on an Issue: Setting Goals

117   Advocating on an Issue: Raising Public Awareness

117   Conducting Candidate or Issue Forums

119   Forum Timeline

120   Implementation: Developing Your Message

121   Resolutions and Legislative Positions

121   Using the Media

122   How to Write a Press Release

122   Sample Thank You Letter to Legislator

123   Advocating with Your School Board
123   Advocacy Award for Local PTA Units and Students

Toolkit Sec 8. Elections and Nominating Committee


125   Nominating Committee   

126   Elections  

127   Election Timeline Summary

128   Script for Non-Contested Elections

129   Script for Contested Elections

130   Nominating Committee Report

131   Teller Committee Report

132   PTA Members as Candidates for Public Office

Toolkit Sec 9. Bylaws, Standing Rules,
and Articles of Incorporation 


134   Updating the Bylaws

135   Timeline Summary for Bylaws Approval

135   Standing Rules

136   Articles of Incorporation

Toolkit Sec 10. Awards, Grants, and Contests


138   Awards, Grants, and Contests Summary

139   Monthly Membership Challenges

139   Annual Membership Awards

140   Fire Safety Poster Contest

141   Reflections Theme Search Contest

142   Reflections Program

143   Outstanding PTA Newsletter Award

144   Advocacy Award for Local PTA Units and Student

145   Volunteer of the Year Award

146   Mentor-a-PTA Award

146   National PTA Grants

146   Louisiana PTA Grants

146   Top Grant Writing Tips

147   $750 Literacy Grant Application

148   $750 Healthy Minds Grant Application

149   $500 LAPTA Day of Service Grant Application

150   $500 Creative Teacher Grant Application

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