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Leader Notes Sep 20, 2024 - Who wants a $25 Amazon Gift Card?


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Webinar with the Louisiana Statewide Family Engagement Center and the Center for Literacy & Learning

LAPTA is co-hosting a webinar training session "Family Engagement 2.0" with the LA Statewide Family Engagement Center and the Center for Literacy and Learning. Please invite your principals and all of your membership to attend by sharing the meeting links. It is being offered at 2 times:

1) Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 6:30pm (JOIN MEETING HERE)

2) Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at noon (JOIN MEETING HERE)

***Please make every effort to attend!***

We will have a drawing for a $25 Amazon Gift Card at EACH meeting!

Here is the complete schedule for the remaining online courses in September with meeting links:

  1. Membership Matters: Monday, September 23 at noon and 6:30pm

  2. Special Education: Monday, September 23 at 6:00pm

  3. Family Engagement 2.0 Hosted by the Louisiana Statewide Family Engagement Center and Center for Literacy & Learning - Sep 24 at 6:30pm and Sep 25 at noon

The previous meetings recordings and PDFs are all posted at Remember that training is required for officers and can be fulfilled FIVE ways

Apply for a Grant from National PTA

If your PTA is participating in the Reflections Arts Program, the lead person needs to register with LAPTA here specifically for Reflections. All details can be reviewed at

Have you shared the Reflections Theme Search Flyer with your school? Thank you to those who have because we are getting submissions! Help pick the 2026-27 theme that will spark fun and creativity for a future National PTA Reflections program. The theme will inspire students to create works of art in six categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts. Past themes and duplicate submissions will not be considered. The past list of themes can be found at the bottom of the submission form page. Find the flyer to share and submission link at

Safety Poster Contest

It's time to get organized to hose the LAPTA Safety Poster Contest. National Fire Prevention Week is October 6-12, 2024. LAPTA is doing a Safety Poster Contest where students can draw and color a Fire Safety Poster on regular 8½ X 11 white paper. The contest is open to Pre-K through Grade 6, plus Accessible Arts Category (students of all ages with an ADA Section 504.) The 2024 theme is Smoke Alarms: Make them work for you! Louisiana PTA will award three Awards of Merit winners and three Awards of Excellence winners per Grade Category. See details at

Join the LAPTA Board

We are still in need of a Secretary, Advocacy Chair, and DIO Chair. Anyone interested in joining the LAPTA Adventure? Email Beth Maillho for more information.

Thanks, everyone, for your hard work!

Beth Maillho

LAPTA President

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