National PTA Programs Are FUN!

National PTA Programs provide access to engaging, educational, and fun opportunities that inspire, recognize, and impact all students and their families. The programs by National PTA are grouped into categories: School of Excellence, Reflections, Family Reading Experience, STEM + Families, PTA Connected, Healthy Lifestyles, and Connect for Respect. See below for more information.
These programs are a great resource when hosting Family Engagement events or student programs. All information and support documentation is included, even how-to videos for STEM experiments! There's no need to create a program from scratch!
What are Programs?
PTAs have an opportunity to advocate for children in all kinds of ways, big and small, in the classroom and on Capitol Hill, and to create a strong community in the process. PTA Programs are events and activities that Local PTA Units can host at their schools to improve educational opportunities for all students.
National PTA ( provides engaging, educational, and fun programs that inspire, recognize, and impact all students and their families. Louisiana PTA ( has contests that provide more opportunities to enhance students’ educational experiences. Local PTA Units can create all kinds of programs that meet the needs of its students and community. When planning a program, remember to be inclusive (flexible hours, translators, etc). When hosting a program, please share your accomplishments, events, and pictures with LAPTA! Some ideas for programs are:
Used Uniform Sales where everything is $1 and families donate their old items.
Donation Closet – school supplies, sanitary products (Grade 2+), deodorant, dental care (donated by dentist)
Friday Pantry – grab bags of food for students with food insecurity; teachers distribute the food to their students
Clothes Closet – coats, uniforms, Prom dresses and suits, professional interview outfits
Welcome Back to School Parade for the staff
Monthly Family Dinner Events (Flyer)
Pet adoption event
Mentor-a-PTA (one PTA gives a helping hand to another PTA)
Beautification Planting Day
Host a Medical Clinic for routine annual check-ups to reduce absences
Newsletters and e-mail blasts
Book Exchange – students bring in books and do a book swap
Teacher Spirit Cart or Woohoo Wagon – go around to the classes to give teachers a snack and/or drink
Movie Night – PTA hosts a movie night for the students with snacks
PBIS Support – stock the store where kids can turn in their PBIS “bucks” for treats
S’Mores and Hot Cocoa Night
Grandparents Bingo, Donuts with Grown-Ups, Donuts with Dudes, Donuts with Dudettes, Pastries with Parents, Breakfast with a Buddy, Ladies Breakfast Club, French Toast with Your Favorites, Pizza with Your Peeps
Newsletter – keep parents in the know and share all that’s going on
Consider hosting joint events with feeder schools/PTAs, such as an End-of-Summer Picnic. Be very organized on tracking this information, especially payments. Give parents receipts or an email with details of what they purchased. Share decorating items rather than purchasing similar items twice. Try and spread out your events and when you’re asking for money. Get creative in supporting each other!
Survival Guide for [High School] or Parent Toolkits
Summer Reading programs from or at the local library
School of Excellence
National PTA School of Excellence recognition program opens the lines of communication and critical thinking within school communities to make data-driven decisions that yield positive, long-term results. School of Excellence is committed to supporting and recognizing partnerships between local PTAs and schools to enrich the educational experience and overall well-being for all students. Enrollment for the 2024 program will close on October 15, 2024.
2022-24 Winners
Congratulations to the 2022-24 School of Excellence winners who were:
Eden Gardens Fundamental Elementary PTA in Shreveport
Fairfield Fundamental Magnet PTA in Shreveport
Mandeville Middle PTA in Mandeville
Marigny Elementary PTA in Mandeville
The Reflections Program provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts, which boosts student confidence and success in the arts and in life. This 50+ year old program helps students explore their thoughts, feelings, and ideas, develop artistic literacy, increase confidence, and find a love for learning. This really is a fun PTA activity to offer to your students! See for full details.
Family Reading Experience
National PTA is committed to helping families support their child’s development of literacy skills and encourage a love of reading through access to books, particularly those that reflect the diversity of our world.
Studies show...
Just like going for a jog exercises your cardiovascular system, reading regularly improves memory function by giving your brain a good workout.
Reading books about different people, places and experiences is critical to healthy child development and should be a priority, particularly in early literacy.
A parent’s understanding of each element at play in their child’s school reading life will support their personal growth, and their advocacy can serve the greater student community.
STEM + Families
National PTA's STEM + Families® program delivers access and hands-on exposure to science, technology, engineering and math to engage families and inspire students to pursue career opportunities in STEM fields.
PTA’s vision is that all students have the family and community support needed to access and pursue STEM opportunities and careers. We want to foster passion for science, technology, engineering, and math through fun activities and by involving families in these experiences together. Our STEM initiative will engage students, families, and communities in opportunities to explore... inspire... empower... and educate... STEM possibilities.

PTA Connected
Parenting in the digital age is complex. PTA Connected strives to help children act safely, responsibly and thoughtfully online.
National PTA has been a partner to parents on digital parenting topics for over 5 years, exploring in-depth the issues that are on the minds of today’s families, and connecting parents with tools, research and supports to make the best decisions for their children.

Healthy Lifestyles
National PTA is committed to improving the overall health and well-being of families across the country because we know living a healthy lifestyle is a key component to our students' ability to thrive.
The Healthy Lifestyles initiative offers educational resources and engagement opportunities that empower students and families to make better-informed health decisions. The initiative includes the following three pillars: Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, and Healthy Earth.

Connect for Respect
Connect for Respect is National PTA’s anti-bullying initiative to help students, parents and educators to create school climates full of safe and supportive peer relationships. Research shows that one of the most effective ways to prevent bullying behavior is to create a positive school climate. School climate encompasses everything that contributes to a student’s experience with a school—from the physical building to policies, staff and peer culture. Positive school climates exist in schools where students, families and educators all work collaboratively to build a culture of respect.

The C4R Toolkit
Walk through a step-by-step process for engaging students, parents and educators in Connect for Respect while learning about all of the tools National PTA and its partners have available for you. Connect for Respect PTA Leader’s Guide or Connect for Respect Student Leader’s Guide.
Build a team. Invite students, teachers, community members and parents to work together in improving school climate. Give students a leadership role. Sample Morning Announcements to Recruit Students or Template Parent Letter or Sample Social Media Messaging.
Assess the current school climate. Take inventory of the current challenges and strengths of your school climate and chart your progress. Assessment Topics to Consider or Assessment Guidelines from
Engage the school community in dialogue. Bring students, parents and school leaders together for a productive discussion and brainstorm on ways to overcome weaknesses found in assessment. Sample Agenda for C4R Forum or Template C4R Forum Invitation to Families or Sample Social Media Messaging.
Develop an action plan. Create a plan that educates and empowers students, families and the broader school community around bullying prevention and safe school environments. Template Action Plan or Sample Student Action Plan from PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center.
Educate and empower students, families and the community. Sustain your efforts over time by convening a C4R team that works on this issue throughout the school year. Educational Poster (En Español)
Learn More
Find out how bullying and school climate are related to students’ mental health at the American Psychological Association.
Explore current school climate research and assessment tools at the National Center for School Climate.
Utilize Welcoming Schools resources to address gender stereotyping and family diversity in K-5 schools.
Watch the recorded webinar Supporting LGBTQ Students in Bullying Prevention, presented by National PTA and The Human Rights Campaign Welcoming Schools program.
View sample “quick start guides” to get students engaged in campaigns promoting inclusivity and respect at Not in Our School.
Locate and join community events in support National Bullying Prevention Month at Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center.
Keep up with a central hub of federal resources and numerous partner at
Download the free app, KnowBullying, from SAMSHA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) for tips on how to talk to your children about bullying.