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Bylaws and Standing Rules

The Bylaws serve as the essential governing principles of a PTA, outlining the rules for conducting the unit's business and managing its affairs. They establish the key characteristics of the organization, define how the association operates, and include all rules deemed significant to the rights and responsibilities of membership. Every Local PTA Unit affiliated with LAPTA is required to use the LAPTA Bylaws Template, which includes a few customizable fields. Standing Rules, on the other hand, provide a less formal overview of how the PTA functions.

LAPTA updated the Bylaws Template in May 2024. When the template is updated, it is automatically applied to the current Bylaws of all Local PTA Units. If you have not received your updated Bylaws with the new template, email The LAPTA Board Member who handles the approval of Bylaws is Philip Davis, VP of Affiliation. 

Updated Bylaws Template for Local PTA Units

LAPTA updated the required template for the Local PTA Units in May 2024. All PTAs with non-expired Bylaws will receive an updated and approved copy of their Bylaws from LAPTA with the new template. The expiration date stays the same as when they were last approved. Please review the new template to know what the updates are. In particular, the term of office for elected positions may only be one or two years with a maximum of one additional term. See Article VI, Section 3. Another new section is under Article V, Section 4: Termination of Membership which applies to a member whose conduct damages the goodwill associated with PTA or violates the purposes, policies, or Bylaws of PTA. The new section also includes the procedure for terminating membership. The Bylaws now clarify that attendance at the annual LAPTA General Membership Meeting is required by the Local PTA President or their designated alternate. 


When it is time to update the Bylaws, download the LAPTA Local PTA Unit Bylaws Template which includes the Bylaws Approval Form and instructions. The template is a fillable PDF. Use the "TAB" key to jump to the next field. See the Timeline Summary for required notices for updating the Bylaws. Fill in the customizable fields of the Bylaws and present the Bylaws to the General Membership for approval. Complete the Bylaws and Bylaws Approval Form and email the complete file to

Expired Bylaws

PTAs must update their Bylaws every three years. If the Bylaws are expired or about to expire, use the Local PTA Unit Bylaws Template and the Bylaws Approval Form which are linked below. See the Timeline Summary to plan the required meetings and to give proper notices for the meetings. Once the PTA submits their Bylaws that were voted on by the General Membership, LAPTA will give the final approval stamp, activation date, and expiration date. Email with any questions. 

Timeline and Notices

When updating the Bylaws, use the following timeline:

  1. Pick the date for the General Membership meeting that will vote on the Bylaws. The number of days' notice is specified in the current Bylaws. If uncertain, give 20 days' notice to the membership before the meeting.

  2. Appoint the Bylaws Committee of at least three people by making a motion at a) Board of Directors Meeting with a two-thirds affirmative vote or b) a General Membership Meeting with an affirmative majority vote. 

  3. The Bylaws Committee meets to complete the proposed LAPTA Bylaws template. They can ask LAPTA to review the proposed Bylaws to check for any errors or to check any proposed amendments to the template by emailing

  4. At least 20 days before a General Membership meeting, publicly give notice of the meeting and post the Bylaws for review by the membership. 

  5. Present the Bylaws at the General Membership meeting with a quorum established. Include time for any questions or amendments. Make a motion to accept the Bylaws. A two-thirds vote of approval by the members present is required. 

  6. Email the Bylaws to LAPTA at LAPTA will review the Bylaws, give them the final stamp of approval and date, and then email the stamped copy back to the PTA.

Standing Rules

Standing Rules are detailed guidelines that contain additional information on who does what within the PTA. They set forth the procedures adopted to direct the PTA and to accomplish specific work. They provide continuity and guide the orderly transfer of duties from one administration to the next. They are a valuable training tool for the orientation of new board members and may contain any traditions or specific information that pertains to the PTA. Local PTA Units should have their own Standing Rules, which the PTA adopts to administer work. Standing Rules must conform to and may not conflict with the Bylaws. They are generally not adopted when a PTA is newly organized but are developed and adopted as needs arise. The following guidelines are suggestions and should be attached to the Standing Rules for ongoing reference and instruction. Standing Rules are more flexible than Bylaws. They do not contain parliamentary procedure and are updated as needed. Standing Rules are kept with the Bylaws in the officers’ procedure binders and are passed on to incoming officers. All Board Members and committee chairs should have a copy of the Standing Rules. The secretary has a copy of the Standing Rules available at all PTA meetings. Each set of Standing Rules is unique. No two are alike because no two PTAs are alike. The Standing Rules may be organized in any way desired, such as in articles and sections as in the Bylaws, in numerical order as they are adopted, by topic and sub-topic groups, etc. Developing Standing Rules is not difficult. They may be adopted individually in a General Membership meeting as the need arises. To adopt a set of Standing Rules, appoint a committee of at least three experienced, knowledgeable members of the PTA. Using the Bylaws as a starting point, the committee should consider each provision and then formulate instructions for applying it. Use the minutes of Board and General Membership Meetings and the experience of committee members as additional resources. After the committee prepares the Standing Rules, they are presented to the Board for review and then to the General Membership for approval by a majority vote. Standing Rules may contain as much information and detail as needed for the functioning of the PTA. The more details included, the easier the job will be for future board members. Standing Rules should include duties and responsibilities for individual officers, Board, and committee chairs. Helpful information includes any consistent person, date, location, time, event, activity, assignment, tradition, and process that occurs traditionally during the PTA year. Detailed information about the following additional topics and more could be included in the Standing Rules: •Titles and specific duties of the Vice-Presidents •Orientation of new Board Members •Procedure binders •Meetings •Details for standing and special committees, which might include finance, membership, public relations, newsletter, volunteers, programs, legislation, Reflections, budget, teacher appreciation, hospitality, etc. •Committee duties, who serves on them, and how committee members are determined •Needs assessment •Student involvement •Fiscal policies and procedures, including location of banking details •Installation of new officers •Requirements for special recognitions and awards •Equipment the PTA owns and where it is located •LAPTA meetings and who attends Download a sample Standing Rules below in PDF or Word formats.

Toolkit: Bylaws, Standing Rules, & Articles of Incorporation


Articles of Incorporation..................................................................... 147

Updating the Bylaws.............................................................................. 148

Timeline Summary for Bylaws Approval...................................... 148

Instructions for Bylaws Template................................................... 149

Bylaws & Amendments Approval Form....................................... 150

Standing Rules........................................................................................ 151

Bylaws for Louisiana PTA

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